Headaches in children: Young patients whose only complaint is headache

December 24, 2016 | By admin655 | Filed in: Uncategorized.

Children, like adults, headaches. Clinicians take seriously a child who complains headache, especially over five years old and younger.

• This article only children whose only complaint is headache.

When people pain over the head, forehead and neck, complaining of headaches.

  • scalp, skull and brain

The brain is located inside the skull bone. The skin covering the head is called the scalp. A lot of muscles, nerves and blood vessels crisscross the thickness of the scalp.

  • Tension headaches and stress

emotions, both bad and good, cause headaches. More frequently in the case of headache, feelings fire up the muscles of the head and face.

The forehead muscle stretch over the forehead and occipital extends to the back of the head. The temporalis muscle is located on the side of the head. The masseter muscle in the jaw area and portions of the trapezius covers the upper neck.

damaging nearby nerves pick up tensions in these muscles and transmit them to a pain center in the brain consciousness.

  • migraine headaches

In contrast to the tension headache, which is obviously known to arise from tightening of the muscles of the head and neck area of ​​the cause of migraine headaches is still controversial. The disorder of the brain & # 39; and the biological and physiological elements, hormones, peptides, dilation and constriction of cerebral blood vessels, plays a role.

  • Other causes of headache

headaches often go to many diseases. Malaria, ear infections, sinusitis, sore throat, runny nose, and throat examples of diseases will come to the headache. This type of headache goes away as soon after the conduct of the disease.

  • Three pictures of headaches recently saw cabinet of

· Take a seventeen-year- female who has been a headache in and like a couple of months. He is wearing music headphones and playing music all night. The constant bombardment of music to the ear with lack of sleep contributed to the headaches.

· There was a 18-year-old boy who presented a headache for the first time. He goes to school from 7 am until 5 pm and then worked at the factory in the morning from 6 pm until 11 pm. In between the school and the workplace, it is a lot of personal errands to run. He can not sleep.

· Then there is a nine-year-old mother of a man who had picked him up twice a week to school because of headaches in the classroom. He raises if the headache is coming. Light and sound disturbed during much of the headache episodes. His mother and grandmother suffered from migraine headaches throughout their lives. The child saw a neurologist, who sent him to imaging, MRI of the brain, which was normal. Then he confirmed he is suffering from a migraine preventive medication and started.

evaluation of children's headache

When a child appears who complains of headache that comes and goes, be it a daily, weekly or monthly intervals, will be practicing take one of these conditions.

• The child is only repeating what they hear from the nearest caregiver, such as a grandmother, mother, and older brother, who go out and say, & # 39; It has a headache & # 39;? I picked out the women because men tend to internalize suffering.

• e child actually have a common type headache, tension headache as well known as that many adults experience? Sufferers may feel during the dull, aching pain and pressure in the forehead, sides and back of the head, and sometimes the neck.

• Is it a boy or a girl, a particularly painful one type of headache called migraine that runs in the family for hours a time, make it difficult to light and sound can occur on one side of the head, or preceded and accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting?

• Will the young, especially if you are less than five years, a more sinister medical conditions such as meningitis, stroke or tumor in the brain? Clues include a headache starts early in the morning, keep your child awake at night, and even worse when you cough, sneeze, urination or defecation.

• It is a type of headache, headache is so serious that it outweighs any pain in patients suffered from in the past? This tutorial section is a deadly condition: bleeding in the brain, an aneurysm, or ballooning of the vessel in the brain and other surgical emergencies.

Important: This article does not diagnose or treat diseases suitable for any disease, but only based on the author & # 39; s experience. Readers should consult their physician before implementing any of the proposals.

Source by Anselm Anyoha

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